Double victory for Marcus Annervi in the season opener

Marcus Annervi had the best possible start with his new team, M3G Motorsport, in the premiere race in the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia May 3-4. On the former Formula 1 track, Scandinavian Raceway in Anderstorp, Annervi managed to win won both races and took the lead in the championship. Annervi won the first heat from pole position ahead of five-time champion Lukas Sundahl and Robin Knutsson.

In the second heat, which offered great drama, Annervi took the lead after an attack on Lukas Sundahl three corners from the finishline, leaving Sundahl off track with small damage to his car. Annervi went on to his second win of the weekend. Robin Knutsson finished second and the rookie, double Sprint Challenge champion William Siverholm, finished third and took his first podium in the Porsche Carrera Cup.

For the first time ever in the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia, a team was represented by two female drivers: The Swiss Simona de Silvestro and Swedish Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, reigning champion in Extreme E. De Silvestro achieved the best result with a fourth place in the second race.

Similar to Carrera Cup, the Pro Am class and Porsche Sprint Challenge was dominated by double winners. Oscar Löfquist in Pro Am and Wilmer Wallenstam could not have executed better during his Sprint Challenge debute.

A total of 27 drivers started in both championships. The competition was run in glorious early summer weather and attracted a large crowd in the stands.

For the first time ever, the races were live streamed for free through instead of paid subscription-based services, this to broaden the accessibility and the audience of the championships. A TV studio was set up in the hospitality Porsche Race Lounge where the famous Swedish chef Pontus Frithiof and his team took care of the guests. This season, the interior of the hospitality is in the spirit of the color Provence as part of the launch of the new fully electric Macan.

In the Porsche Expo, the new Panamera was on display as was the Cayenne in a PTS-colour. Selected articles from Porsche Lifestyle could also be bought. In addition to the Porsche Expo, a Taycan Cross Turismo equipped with a roof top tent, a bicycle carrier and an electric Porsche bike was displayed.

The season opener also contained the first Sportscar Together Day of the season, an initiative supported by Porsche Club Sweden. Close to 400 Porsche attended.

In connection to the race weekend a Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia Trackday was held. Over 100 sportscars from Porsche participated in the two sessions monitored by a Porsche AG certified chief instructor during the day.


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