24 Hours of Le Mans: 2 races of 45 minutes for amateur drivers

What driver has never dreamed of racing on the 13.626 km circuit of the 24 Hours of Le Mans? This year, the Porsche drivers will be among the privileged who will start between the stands before diving towards the Tertre Rouge then making there way onto the Mulsanne at nearly 300 km / h before reaching Arnage and on to the Porsche curves.

Indeed, the competitors of the Porsche Sprint Challenge France will compete in two 45-minute races at the opening of the 24 Hours of Le Mans at the wheel of their Porsches, two races preceded by two free practice sessions and two qualifying sessions on this track used in the race only once a year.

Unlike the 24 Hours for which a record is essential in order to be allowed to start, the races of the Porsche Sprint Challenge France are reserved for amateur drivers and gentlemen drivers, the only constraint that is not really one, being to drive a porsche competition: 911 GT3 R, 911 GT3 Cup, 911 GT2 RS Clubsport or Cayman GT4 Clubsport.

The Paddock of the Porsche Sprint Challenge France will be installed on the White House circuit, in the immediate vicinity of the Porsche Experience Center which will be reserved for drivers and their guests from Tuesday to Friday with the possibility of extending the weekend to attend the 24 Hours in exceptional conditions.

Tuesday 7 June: administrative and technical checks

Wednesday 8 June: Free practice

Thursday 9 June: Qualifying practice and Race 1

Friday, June 10: Race 2

The Porsche Sprint Challenge France is an FFSA national championship dedicated to amateur drivers driving Porsche 992, 991, 997-2 GT3 Cup or GT3 R.

This championship takes place over 7 meetings including 2 days of tests before 6 competition meetings.

All meetings are held on a Friday and Saturday, with Friday dedicated to training with more than 4 hours of track time before qualifying practice and Saturday races.

Each competition meeting consists of 2 races of 30 minutes, with one qualifying event per race, with the exception of the Le Mans meeting where a race of 2h15 is organized.


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