Allied Racing excluded from the first round at Oschersleben

The Allied-Racing Porsche of Joel Sturm and Sven Müller was excluded from the first round of the season in Oschersleben after a faulty fuel test.

A sensation of the ADAC GT Masters, the Allied-Racing Porsche loses the strong third place from the first round of the season in Oschersleben. Due to a faulty fuel test, the car of Joel Sturm and Sven Müller was taken out of the classification.

After qualifying, a fuel sample was taken from the vehicle, which was examined in two different laboratories. This test showed that the vehicle did not drive the prescribed "Blue Gasoline 98 GT Masters" fuel. The analysis showed that the fuel in the Porsche was more like an E5 fuel than the E10 of the racing series, as a spokesman for the ADAC explained. In addition, the fuel did not have the 98 octane of the standard fuel, but 100 octane.

Due to the faulty test, the car was excluded after qualifying. Disqualification from the race took place because the car went into the race after the subsequent qualifying exclusion from the wrong starting position.

The team has announced its intention to appeal against the verdict, but now the racing team has 96 hours to file it in writing.


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